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MBSR Courses
The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course helps you to respond calmly when stressed, leading to healthier relationships and more fulfilling lives. It enables you to develop inner strength in the face of stress, anxiety and illness. Therefore you are more able to pause, see the situation more clearly and choose to respond rather than our usual pattern of immediate and automatic reacting.
The major benefits of mindfulness are:
Increased ability to act effectively under high levels of stress
Reduced levels of pain, anxiety and depression
Improved relationship to self and others and increased self confidence
The 8 week MBSR course involves a number of practices to take home. You will feedback your experience of practising mindfulness in each of the following session so that by the end of the course you have a toolbox of different strategies for stress, pain or anxiety management. You will be supplied with handouts on a weekly basis as well as recordings of each of the practices.
Retreat Day
A Retreat Day usually taking place between week 6 and 7. This is a day to consolidate all the practices learned on the course and to ensure your confidence in continuing practice after the course comes to an end.
The course guides you through practises teaching you to direct attention, to each experience as it unfolds, moment by moment, with open-minded curiosity and acceptance. Enabling you to respond more skilfully to whatever is happening.
Current Courses
To find out more about Mindfulness, go to our website for further information: where you can find out about our current courses and book a place.
You can book a place on the current course or on the taster workshops via the booking page
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